In Yemen, he said, “despite expressed support for a ceasefire by the Government, Ansar Allah and many other parties — including the Joint Forces Command — the conflict has spiked”. He added that he asked the parties “to discuss COVID19 crisis management and a nationwide ceasefire mechanism” and called on “all Governments and movements involved and their supporters to end this catastrophic conflict and humanitarian nightmare and come to the negotiating table”.
In view of that global and regional situation concerned by the evolution of COVID-19, the Non Governmental Organisation Union Nations Federation (UNF) strongly deplores and condemns the actions of the Huthis against Saudi Arabia, which consisted in firing two missiles at the cities of Riyadh and Jazan on 4 March, 2020.
The UNF unites its voice to that of the Union Nations Secretary-General and calls on for the cessation of these repeated hostile acts and for the implementation of related international resolutions.
Along with the international community, the UNF calls on for a collective action to address this COVID-19 pandemic, as a complementary alternative to the military and terrorists acts that have devastated the world in the past decades until now.