Impact of confinement on international tourism, discussions with Charles Erick Hoffmann, from the Pavillon Henri IV in Saint Germain en Laye.
Following the health provisions relating to COVID-19, some of our members and their friends and partners from many Foreign countries are confined to France, unable to gather with their families. Our member Charles Erick Hoffmann, of the splendid Pavillon Henri IV hotel in St Germain en Laye, was extremely kind enough to open and make his establishment available to several of our members, including our Vice President for Asia and Middle East, HE Bilal Ghamaroui, himself blocked in France for several weeks without being able to see his family and loved ones.
In addition to the human dimension of this meeting, we were able to discuss, under the strictest sanitary conditions, the disastrous financial impact of the Covid-19 on international tourism, and try to provide emergency solutions to this crisis, in order to support establishments, which, like the Pavillon Henri IV, have a great culinary and historical heritage.
The Pavillon Henri IV, formerly the residence of King Louis XIV, opened at the beginning of the 19th century, has the soul of a former residence and houses 42 rooms, a restaurant, as well as reception and seminar rooms. The Pavillon Henri IV is built on the Terrasse de Saint-Germain, on the site of the Old Royal Castle. The living room in which the Sun King was born is currently one of the salons of the Pavillon Henri IV and is classified as a historic monument. The hotel staff speak several languages, including Arabic, to make everyone’s stay easier.
To all those in this position, we inform you that you can book your stay directly by contacting the Hôtel Pavillon Henri IV on behalf of the UNF.
Pavillon Henri IV
19 Rue Thiers 78100 St Germain En laye
Tel : +33 1 39 10 15 15
Email : [email protected]