A reference to the conditions the world is going through with problems in the conflict countries in general and in particular the Middle East, which threatens the security and stability of the countries.
Therefore, the Executive Council, in coordination with the Unions Nations Administration, proposed the establishment of a crisis resolution committee to assist conflict countries.
And with the participation of senior figures to study and closely follow the situation to propose solutions to stop the deterioration in countries suffering from the collapse of humanity, economic and security, especially the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. Attached herewith is the decision to establish the committee and the names of its members from the proposed executive council, and their description according to the official news issued by the Unions Nations Communications and Information Department
Major General Alaa Abdul-Rahman Shaker :
Vice President of the Unions Nations Federation
Member of the Executive Council
Member of the Crisis Resolution Committee, elected by the Executive Council, and the Chairman of the Crisis Resolution Committee
General (2S) Didier Lot, vice president of the Unions Nations federation, expert in military security and counter-terrorism affairs
Mrs. Corine Loupage, Lawyer for the former Minister of the Environment of the French Republic, President of the Friends of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
Mr. Christophe Giovanetti, President of the Unions Nations federation, and expert in diplomatic and humanitarian relations,
Mr. Ricardo Espinoza, Vice President and Member of the Executive Board of the Union Nations federation Executive, Advisor for International Publications and Human Rights, and the former head of the unit responsible for relations with NGOs and civil society organizations in the Office of the Director General of the United Nations Office Geneva
Mr. Bilal Muhammad Ghamrawi :
Vice President and Member of the Executive Board of the Unions Nations federation Executive Board.
Responsible for the countries of the Middle East, Asia, the Indian Ocean, America and Latin America.
Head of investigations into the international crime against corruption and money laundering.
Major General Muhammad Freih Al-Harthi, Vice President of the Unions Nations Federation, member of the Executive Council and member of the Crisis Resolution Committee
Other high-level experts and personalities may join this great, committed team,
The Think Center will establish working relationships with the main Unions Nations bodies, including the Secretary-General, the Economic and Social Council and specialized entities,
He will be formally presented to them with the main results of his work and recommendations.