Christophe Giovannetti led a part of the UNF, a working session on energy problems in the Comoros at the Ministry of Energy
After two days of visit, it quickly became clear to the delegation of the UNF that energy was the most urgent problem in the Comoros. Indeed, a recurring shortage of electricity greatly disrupts the services of the State and makes it impossible to develop growth.
A working session was organized to audit the problems and better understand them, in order to help the Comoros get out of this energy impasse.
China, very active in this sector, has helped the Union of the Comoros a lot and is now an indisputable ally in this sector. Today, the stakes are extremely important. The Comoros can undoubtedly become a producer state of gas and oil.
The latest analyzes are eloquent, important resources are available. The energy transition will have to be accompanied by all the possible help, in a concern of respect of the local populations. If the State sells a barrel of crude to buy it later refined even more expensive, it will be difficult for him to leave of this energy transition in the best conditions.
Energy, and electricity shortages are extremely aggravating factors of social conflict and destabilization of a fragile peace.
The Union nations federation, following the recommendations of Mrs Sitti Kassim, Minister of Energy, will use its networks to to bring to the Union of the Comoros partners who are concerned about an equitable sharing of wealth.