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The UNF, from the beginning of its constitution, has always taken as its fundamental value the economic and social development of the African continent.

Bernadette CHIRAC, Christophe GIOVANNETTI, President of UNF, Jacques CHIRAC, 22nd President of the French Republic

Already, during the 12 years in power of French President Jacques Chirac, his main concerns were the defense of peace, and economic and sustainable development in Africa.
The Gambia has a strategic geographical location in Africa and the UNF is happy to actively participate in the economic and cultural development of the people of Gambia.

Mamour NJIE Chief of the Armed Forces, Siriam TIEYE, UNF Ambassador, Head of Mission, H.E Sering Modou NJIE, Minister of Defense of Gambia
Serreh SANNEH Director of Public Relations UNF Gambia, Siriam TIEYE, UNF Ambassador, Head of Mission, Fatu Bah wife BARROW, First Lady of Gambia, Modou SANNEH, Director of UNF office in Gambia
H.E Momodou TANGARA, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Gambia

Ghana is the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to have achieved Millennium Development  Goal (MDG) number 1, aimed at halving the rate of extreme poverty. This fell from 52% in  1992 to 28% in 2006, then to 24% in 2013, according to Ghanaian statistics.

Frederick Agyemang, Chief of Staff to the Minister of the Western Region
Yao Konan Josué, Ghana Office Director
Honorable Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah, Minister of Western Region.
Siriam Tieye, Director West, Central and Great Lakes Africa.
Nktsiah James Nelson, Ivory Coast Office Director.

A result obtained thanks to the acceleration of growth in the 2000s, Ghana taking advantage of an  economy rich in raw materials of all kinds (gold, bauxite, manganese, but also cocoa, coffee,  cashew nuts, etc. ) and the discovery of oil deposits. 

“This is another step forward in our installation in Africa and the UNF is happy to actively  participate in the economic and international development of the Republic of Ghana.” Explains  Christophe Giovannetti, President of the UNF. 

On this occasion, Mr. Nktsiah James Nelson was appointed Director of the Unf Office in Cote  d’Ivoire, Mr. Yao Konan Josué Director of the Ghana Office and Mr. Siriam TIeye Director of West  Africa, Central and the Great Lakes. 

The Union Nations Federation (UNF) targets key issues such as war and international security  with the aim of educating and challenging individuals as well as larger international institutions to  think critically about peaceful solutions to complex issues plaguing society.

ECOSOC Status, granted to NGOs by the United Nations – is not only recognized by all  entities and programs of the Organization, but it also opens the door for DDHu to be able to  interact with governments in formal meetings, taking the speaking and advocating for  causes close to his heart.

Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, Mayor of Rouen – Christophe Giovannetti, President of the UNF – Corinne Lepage, President of the DDHU


As a signatory and representative of the Universal Declaration of the   Rights of Humanity, Christophe Giovannetti, within the UNF, has  always given his unfailing support to the board of directors, the   drafters of the Declaration and all the members of the Association of  Friends of the DDHU, who have the immense pleasure of announcing  the recognition of consultative status with ECOSOC. While the effects of climate change and the destruction of biodiversity  have never been so felt and the United Nations has just recognized  the right to a healthy environment, the Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Humanity is an absolute necessity. 

It will be recalled that it was President François Hollande who initiated this process as part of the  preparation for COP 21 so that international law would adopt a text recognizing intergenerational  responsibility.

The Declaration is the only text carried by civil society and supported by many public entities  (including the UCLG which brings together 240,000 cities, the AIMF, the Association of  Parliamentarians of the Mediterranean, the cities of Paris, Madrid, Philadelphia and many others)  and private (80 NGOs, around fifty companies, universities, many bars including the confederation  of European bars).

The integration of the association of friends of the DDHU with ECOSOC will allow us to progress  together with the UNF, in the path of universal recognition of the Declaration.

On May 17, 2022 the city of Charly belonging to the Urban Community of Lyon and the Château de la Poupee training center for apprentices signed the Universal Declaration of Humankind Rights in the presence of Christophe Giovannetti, Secretary General, representing Mrs. Corinne Lepage, President and Carole Berté, Treasurer.

In the morning, Olivier Araujo, mayor of Charly, an urban municipality located to the south-east of Lyon Metropolis in the Auvergne-Rhóne-Alpes Region, signed the Declaration accompanied by its deputy mayor for the  environment, Marie-Laurence Ré, agronomist, by Michel Fournier, City Councilor for Security and Culture and the Mayor of Vernaison, Jullien Vuillemardard.

Charly is a town where life is good which has “the charm of a village and the potential of a city”, a town of history which has an important heritage linked to agriculture and especially to arboriculture with atural areas and orchards which occupy 50% of the territory.

Charly is a city committed to respect for nature, the preservation of natural spaces, the search for ancient and contemporary seeds, the protection of species. In the context of climate change and its ecological policy, it set up the Ferme Melchior 2 years ago, a laboratory for ideas and experiments in European biodiversity. This Applied Botany Resource Center (the CRBA) directed by Stéphane Crozat, ethnobotanist, offers new answers and develops scientific research programs by integrating food and environmental challenges.

This Center is supported by the city but also by the Metropolis, the Patronage, and associations. It has links with the World Seed Bank which is located in Saint Petersburg. The second signature of this day concerns the Training Center for Gastronomy Apprentices (the CFAG) directed by the starred chef from Lyon Christian Têtedoie at the Château de Lacroix-Laval in Marcy-l’Etoile, property of Greater Lyon, headquarters of the former doll museum. This Center will open its doors in September 2022. Unique in France, it will be dedicated to gourmet cuisine. It will allow apprentices to train intensively on the trade, the knowledge of the products, and the producers. It will allow you to know the tricks of the great cooks, bakers and pastry chefs for 3 months then to leave for two years in the great restaurants… This Center which aims to reconcile young people with learning, which seeks excellence and transmission consists of two application restaurants, a tea room, a bakery-pastry laboratory and an educational vegetable garden.

The Declaration signed by the city of Charly in the person of Mayor Olivier Araujo and the one signed by the Château de la Poupee training center for apprentices by the famous starred chef Christian Têtedoie confirm their commitments in the context of human development and sustainability, their commitment to traditional knowledge, the maintenance of biodiversity and confirms their responsibility towards present and future generations. These signatures have symbolic value following the signature of large cities such as Paris, Strasbourg or San Francisco of the attachment of all to the protection of living things.

Olivier Araujo
Raymond Corentin , Christophe Giovannetti, Christian Têtedoie, Hervé Diaz, Olivier Araujo
Carole Berté, Christophe Giovannetti, Oliver Araujo, Jullien Vuillemard, Marie-Laurence Ré, Michel Fournier
Christophe Giovannetti, President of UNF, is pleased to announce the official opening of UNF activities in West and Central Africa with all delegates present.
From the beginning of its constitution, the UNF has always taken as its fundamental value the economic and social development of the African continent. The first meeting of regional delegates took place at the headquarters of the West African delegation during its official inauguration. The UNF provides support in the areas of Health, Urban Planning, Housing and Energy for All, as well as missions for peace, national reconciliation and the fight against corruption.


HE Morissanda Kouyate, Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, African Integration and Guineans Abroad, Oussou KOUASSY, Ambassador Delegate, UNF DAOC General Comptroller, Siriam TIEYE, UNF Ambassador, Director of West and Central Africa, Head of Mission, Ms. Kourouma Hadja Christine Sagno, UNF Expert in Environment, Jawad Salmane CEO DATAGROUP MOROCCO, Kouadio Jean Baptiste, UNF Togo Governor Delegate, HE Yao Claude Beugre, UNF Ambassador Delegate, Administrative and Financial Director, Brede Wilson Guédé, Delegate Governor, Director of Projects and Development, HE Paul Goa Zoumanigui, General Secretary of Foreign Affairs Ministry
Siriam TIEYE, Director – West and Central Africa, Head of Mission, Maître Touré Richmond, Special Adviser Director of West and Central Africa UNF DAOC, General (2) Didier L’hôte Vice-president of the UNF, Mrs. Kourouma Hadja Christine Sagno, Former Minister of the Environment and Waters and Forests, Expert in Charge of the environment for the UNF, Jawad Salmane – CEO DATAGROUP MAROC, Alexandre Assa, in charge of economic and commercial affairs at the Embassy of Ivory Coast in Guinea
General (2S) Didier l’Hôte, UNF Vice President, Siriam Tieye, UNF West and Central Africa Director

Christophe Giovannetti, President of the UNF is pleased to announce the arrival of His Excellency Carlos Edmilson MARQUES VIEIRA, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Guinea Bissau in France.

The UNF is pleased to announce the arrival of His Excellency Carlos Edmilson MARQUES VIEIRA, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Guinea Bissau in France, to UNESCO, OIF and the Vatican.

His Excellency the Ambassador of Guinea Bissau in France has exceptional experience of the African continent, as he was also Ambassador to the African Union for a long time. His knowledge of the challenges of collaboration between Africa and other continents will perfectly complement the experience and influence that the UNF has on the African continent.

For more than 20 years, Carlos Edmilson MARQUES VIEIRA and Christophe Giovannetti, President of the UNF have always collaborated for the defense of peace, and economic and sustainable development in Africa.

Advice, discussions, preventive actions, aid operations, the UNF, strong in its convictions and skills and its networks, can, thanks to its presence worldwide and the quality of its ambassadors, open a space for negotiations for governments that wish to provide solutions to protect populations and improve the quality of life for everyone.



At its session from August 30 to September 10, 2021, the Committee in charge of  Non-Governmental Organizations unanimously recommended to the United Nations  Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) to grant Special Consultative Status to the  Union Nations Federation (UNF ). This recommendation was approved a few weeks  later in the ECOSOC plenary, also unanimously. 

Out of 651 NGOs studied by the Committee during its session, only 264 were accepted to  benefit from Consultative Status. To date, only 5,450 NGOs worldwide enjoy official status  with this important body, of which 4,341 have so-called “Special” status. The Special  Consultative Status, granted to the UNF is reserved, according to the publication of the  Committee’s decisions, “for NGOs working in a specific field and authorizes them to  submit written communications and petitions to ECOSOC.”

The ECOSOC Status, the most official and formal granted status to NGOs by the United  Nations – because it is granted by the Member States themselves within the framework of  the work of one of its main organs -, is not only recognized by all the entities and  programs, but it also opens the door for the UNF to interact with governments in formal  meetings, speaking out and advocating for causes close to their hearts. This will be the  case when the UNF wants to join global civil society engaged in debates and actions on  the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, for example. 

Another important area for the UNF will be that of human rights, supported by the Human  Rights Council and its subsidiary bodies, whose meetings are held throughout the year in  Geneva and organized by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human  Rights. 

The importance of the status acquired by the UNF should be all the more underlined  since, since 2006, the Human Rights Council has been a subsidiary organ of the United  Nations General Assembly. 

UNF President Christophe Giovannetti is pleased to announce that he is already in the  process of developing an action plan that will position the NGO up to the challenges that  await it, namely to contribute to actions and reflections on the major current problems of  humanity: reducing inequalities, combating poverty and climate change, dealing with  migration and delicate situations of refugees, working to promote access to decent work ,  make education and health accessible to all, fight against corruption and for peace. 

To this end, a strategic committee will be created in December 2021 to define the  orientations and projects for the next four years. 

We are also pleased to announce the arrival of Madame Corinne Lepage, famous Lawyer,  former Minister of the Environment of France, President of the Universal Declaration of  Humanity Rights (DDHU) of which the UNF is a signatory and who will be able, with the  support of the UNF, to sensitize member states to the imperative need to enforce this text. 


PR powered and published by Ancilia Protect SAS for the UNF
Photo Credit Source : Drop of Light / / for editorial use only

Invited by Bernard Chevalier, one of the Commissioners of the Napoleon Exhibition, Christophe Giovannetti, President of the UNF and Carole Berte, Administrative Director of the UNF wanted to shed special light on this exhibition and invite as many people as possible to attend this exhibition.

This exhibition organized on the occasion of the bicentenary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte is aimed at the general public. The man is presented there in what he has most popular, that is to say famous, his life in what it has most romantic, his work in what it has most exceptional, fresco dazzling of a founding era of modern France.



In addition to evoking the rise, heyday and decline of the most famous emperor, this exhibition reveals a man whose personality lives up to his worldwide reputation. Flamboyant, the life of Napoleon is a spectacle in itself. This event intends to be, in its form, a story, of course, but also a staging backed by the history of France. We also discover that Napoleon is at the origin of most of the institutions of our Republic, and that he himself is, through his life, the incarnation of egalitarianism carried by the French Revolution.


The exhibition is structured around nine parts : the apprenticeship years at the military college of Brienne ; the campaigns of Italy (1796) and Egypt (1799) ; the coup d’état of 18 Brumaire and the Consulate ; the advent of the Empire ; Intimate Napoleon, his wives, Joséphine then Marie-Louise, his son, the King of Rome ; Napoleon, the warlord ; Napoleon and Europe, at the head of which he places his sisters and brothers ; the decline of the Empire, illustrated by two military failures, the Spanish Campaign (1808) and the Russian Campaign (1812) ; the Hundred Days and its final fall after the Battle of Waterloo..


The exhibition uses masterpieces from the main national collections such as the Louvre, the Army’s museums in Salon-de-Provence, Versailles, Malmaison,


Fontainebleau, Mobilier national, the Fondation Napoléon, the Banque de France, the Senate, the Legion of Honor museum as well as those of the Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, the Eckmühl room in Auxerre, the museum of sedentary gunners in Lille and the Orleans Museum for Biodiversity and the Environment.

Several atmospheric spaces evoke the arts and court life at this time, which only lasted about fifteen years ; first as a result of the Egyptian campaign, which marked the spirits so strongly, are presented furniture and works of art created in the Egyptian style, while a living room shows the evolution of the style during the heyday of the Empire. The monumental evocation of a throne room parallels a table set with the richest productions of the Empire style. These spaces are completed by magnificent court clothes, luxury weapons, decorations, Sèvres porcelain, pieces of goldsmith’s work, and even a monumental car ordered for his marriage to Marie-Louise as well as the most modest. funeral chariot used for his funeral in Saint Helena. There are also personal items that belonged to him as well as the spectacular country tent furnished with its original furniture ; war will not be absent from this evocation with a cannon, an ammunition box and several mannequins both on foot and on horseback. Let us not forget the many sculptures that will accompany the paintings made by the greatest painters of the time such as David, Gros or Gérard.

Organized by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux, it is presented at the Grande Halle de la Villette until December 26, 2021 and prepared by several curators including Bernard Chevallier, former director of the National Museum of Chateau of Malmaison and Bois-Préau.

Carole Berté, Administrative Director of the UNF, Bernard Chevalier, Exhibition Commissioner




The Aerosystem Company has designed a revolutionary speaker line with the latest technological innovations that make it a leader in exceptional audio. Aerosystem is intended for all users who are passionate about technology and do not wish to compromise on the design of their devices. One goal therefore: to provide impeccable sound quality to contemporary-style multimedia products. This technology is a true work of art in itself and represents man’s best friend  – the dog. This speaker is of several sizes including a giant one of more than 4 meters which can sound an entire field.
Aerosytem will donate a profit from the sale of these exceptional pieces of art to the UNF for the « No Mercy For Malaria » program for African countries.  
In sub-Saharan Africa, studies have shown that about one in six African children die before their fifth birthday. This can simply be attributed to the presence of a weak healthcare system in Africa with poor infrastructure and inaccessibility to proper health services. Our goal for this program is to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages, especially within the African continent, where we are already implemented.
No Mercy For Malaria offers its partners turnkey malaria prevention programs developed for Africa, an exemplary, useful, and visible action, a sustainable, easily modular and evolving development operation, partnerships with public health authorities, private companies and NGOs. The UNF, strong in its convictions and skills can open a space for negotiations for governments who wish to provide solutions to protect populations and improve the quality of life for everyone.


For any contact, information and purchase, please contact Mr. Roland Caville by email at the following address :  [email protected] 

On the occasion of the 91th National Day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Christophe Giovannetti, President of the UNF as well as all the members of the UNF grant to the King of the Kingdom and His Highness the Crown Prince their deepest congratulations and wish them continued success and stability for the government and people of the Kingdom under their inimitable leadership.

Although steeped in history, the National Day has only been officially recognized as a national holiday to be celebrated in a festive manner since the year 2005.

Previously, only religious holidays were celebrated in Saudi Arabia, namely the Eid al-Fitr and the Eid al-Adha.

Advice, discussions, preventive actions, fundraising, the UNF, strong in its convictions and skills can, thanks to its presence in the world and the quality of its ambassadors, open a space for negotiations for governments who wish to provide solutions to protect populations and improve the quality of life for everyone.


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