H.E Christophe Giovannetti, President of the UNF is pleased to present a Peace Medal to the General of the Armed Forces
An UNF delegation led by its President H.E Christophe Giovannetti traveled to Dar Es Sallam in Tanzania to help finance and build Military Hospitals in the Republic of Tanzania.
On this occasion and in the presence of many soldiers of the defense service in chief of the armies, HE Christophe Giovannetti presented to the General of the Armed Forces a gold medal of the peace in tribute to the efforts of the services of defense of the Republic of Tanzania for security and the fight against terrorism.
The medal ceremony was held at the National Center of the Armed Forces in Dar Es Sallam in the presence of many soldiers of the Army Staff and his H.E Fouad Hamdy of Mrs. Julia Merhej and Mr. Olivier Seine.
UNF is a Non Governmental Organization, operating in the World to promote the economic, cultural and social development of the countries that request it. The UNF brings together Goodwill Ambassadors from all countries wishing to work for a better and more just world.